Me with Sutton at a week old
When I was pregnant with my first, I had two baby showers and was so grateful to receive literally everything I needed (and wanted) for my first baby. It was overwheling to me how kind my friends and family were to bless us during those exciting days leading up to Sutton’s arrival. Then with my second, I had another, smaller shower, mainly just receiving boy clothes since I had all the gear already. I think I’ve held on to most of Sutton’s clothes in hopes that we will have another little girl one day (girl clothes are just the cutest, aren’t they!?) but we will see how we do with our third baby before deciding if there will be anymore Rogers kiddos! Now for my third, I am realizing how very LITTLE I actually need to welcome a new baby into our home. Diapers, some onesies, a place to sleep and you are good to go!
I thought it might be helpful to compile a small list of my very favorite items/most helpful things and ideas if you are looking to gift something to a second or third time mom. Its a combination of my must haves with a newborn and little luxuries for mom that will help her feel a little more pampered during that transitional time.
For Baby
Swaddle/Magic Sleep Suit: The Miracle Blanket and Baby Merlins Magic Sleep Suit have been my favorite sleeping aids for both of my kids. We found the miracle blanket the best swaddle (for us) that our kids weren’t able to break free from. I sleep them in the Miracle Blanket until they can break free (around 2-3 months) and then I transition them into the sleep suit. They sleep in that until they can roll over onto their bellies.
Day Gowns/Magnetic Onesies: When my babies are little and you are changing a zillion diapers a day, I love putting them in a day gown instead of a button up onesie and having to snap allll those little buttons. The ease of just being able to pull up the gown (especially in the middle of the night) was something I didn’t realize until our second baby so thankfully I still have plenty of Quint’s to use for baby brother. I keep socks on their feet or just a blanket over their lower half to keep their feet warm since they are more exposed in this type of outfit. Also, Its a bonus if they have the little hand mitts that fold over to keep them from scratching their face. I also love the magnetic onesies once they get a little bigger, too.
Baby Bjorn Bouncer: I didn’t have this with Sutton but did with Quint and he practically lived in it for the first 6 months of his life. I love that its really lightweight, easily move from room to room and can collapse totally flat so I can discretely store it away when we aren’t using it…unlike so many of the massive primary colored plastic items. I also love that I can just take the cover off and wash it if there’s an accident and its easy to get on and off. This is a MUST have in my opinion.
For Sleep
A Virtual Sleep Consultant: Its not secret around here about my love for Sleepy Cues and how they saved my sanity and got my son sleeping 12 hours almost instantaneously. I think purchasing a sleep package from them for even the seasoned mom can help get her on a good schedule and have a game plan as to how to get their baby sleeping well, sooner than later. *I’m hosting a giveaway with them over on my instagram so head over there if you want a chance to win a free mini proposal!
Sound Machine: We can’t live without our sound machines and have them in every bedroom in our home. I think the Dohm has the best “sound” that doesn’t sound artificial and you can control the volume and pitch. I also like the portable one to travel with or take in the car. Chances are a veteran mom already has a sound machine so the portable one might be the best option if you are considering it as a gift.
For Mom
Lightweight Tote with diaper bag insert: I only used my diaper bag for about 3-4 months with my first baby and quickly realized I didn’t want to carry around both that and a purse, so I switched to a tote with a diaper bag insert and have never looked back. I’m currently carrying my favorite option, the MZ Wallace metro tote and the fact that it is incredibly lightweight makes it possible to fill it with all.the.things without breaking my back. Its also machine washable, which I think you can infer as to why thats so important for a mom with young children, ha!
Nursing Pajamas: I want to be as comfortable as possible and I pretty much stay in my pajamas those first few weeks. I love the Lake Maternity gown to feel a little luxurious while still being practical for nursing. I love the matching robes as well and the good news is, she will be able to continue to wear these for the long term since they are pajamas. I recommend ordering a size up as they do tend to shrink in the dryer.
Babysitting for the older children: I think she would probably cry if you offered to help watch the kids or cover the cost of a few hours of babysitting to free her up to enjoy some uninterrupted 1-on-1 time with her new baby. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy…just a kind note with a little cash to help out in a REALLY practical way.
Bring her dinner: I wrote a post with meal ideas to bring a new mom if you need some inspiration.
I know I could list a million other things, but these items really are my favorite/must haves. I hope this is helpful to give you just a few ideas!
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