In case you are wondering, no, I am NOT the mother of 10
Read on below to see who is though!
A few months ago, I began following a sweet mom who messaged me after I shared an album that I was listening to while bathing Griffin, stating that she too listened to it with her babies when they were small. She also mentioned that she was a mom to 10! Ten kids! Wow! I was so intrigued and after a quick glance at her feed, I hit follow. Over the last few months, I have so enjoyed getting to see little glimpses of Amy’s family. From sending kids off to college to homeschooling her younger ones, there just seemed to be a lot of joy in each photo and video she shared. This week, I began my own journey of educating from home (you can read about that here)., so I reached out to her and asked if she had any wisdom to share with me,
Like myself, Amy expressed that she never imagined that she would be a homeschool mom, but after having 5 of their 10 children in private school, her husband encouraged her to “just try it”….so she did! For the last 12 years, Amy has educated her children at home, all the while having seasons of being pregnant, having babies, toddlers, etc. so I knew she would be a wealth of knowledge.
She was so kind to share just a few bits of wisdom with me that I think other could benefit from as well if they too are finding themselves home schooling.
1. Take some time at first to adjust to your new routine of ‘togetherness’:
It took us that first year just to figure out how to be together 24-7! We did lots of fun things and not too much school but I look back on that year with fond memories!
2. Enjoy the freedom and flexibility.
Despite the fact that so many families have been thrust into homeschooling, it really isn’t a true representation of what homeschooling is actually like. There is so much freedom in homeschooling and picking curriculum that bests fits your family and kids, and the best part is that it doesn’t take all day!
3. Find the time of day that best suits your family’s schedule to complete school.
If you have babies and toddlers, as well as school aged kids, try to get school done while the younger ones are napping. Anyone under school age in our house has quiet time on their beds if they have outgrown their naps. This allows me time to work with the older kids with limited interruption. Books on tape or listening to music are both great activities for them to do if they aren’t taking a nap.
4. Find your community,
Even if it’s just one friend that you can call on the days when you’re ready to throw in the towel, your support system is crucial. There will be plenty of hard days but encouragement from others who are walking through the same experiences as you are is truly vital.
5. Find joy in learning again.
Instead of rushing through to just get it done, take time to soak up new things. I have learned SO much over these years. Even today, we studied about Australia and I learned several new things.
6. Take advantage of being the creator of your own schedule.
On cold and rainy winter days you will be SO very thankful your kids are snuggled up at home with you. Make some hot chocolate and just enjoying reading together with them. We also have “Fun Fridays,”” which consist of only doing math and spelling tests and then its off to find something fun to do together!
7. The years are short.
I sure you know the saying “the days are long but the years are short…” but IT’s SO TRUE! Now with 5 of our 10 out of our home, I cannot even begin to tell you how fast it goes. Treasure the younger years. The Lord has entrusted us with these precious little lives and “LOVE” to them is expressed through “TIME.” Homeschooling gives them just that!
I’m so grateful that Amy was willing to allow me to share this with you. I’m sure you were as blessed and encouraged by it all like I was.
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