My sweet-spirited, sometimes timid, kind and affectionate little girl is 4 today. She is everything I hoped to have in a daughter and I love getting to spend my days by her side observing her learn and grow into the little person she is becoming. She has an insatiable sweet tooth, gives me hand kisses when we hold hands, always wants to play “princess” and appears to be a future musical theatre lover. She is always asking to help me in the kitchen and enjoys having her brother as her built-in best friend…most days 😉 Dresses are always her clothing of choice and fingernails are preferred to be painted with pink sparkly nail polish.
We love you so very much Sutton and pray your heart would be captivated by the love of Jesus and in turn, that you would share that love with the world around you. You are our literal sunshine.
Music by Christy Nockels – Leave the Light On
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