I can remember looking at my mom’s feet when I was little and wondering why on earth they looked so dry and calloused. And now…I have those same feet! Getting old is fun, isn’t it!
Gone are the days when I can get regular pedicures so when I saw the Baby Foot Feet Peel via Kathleen Jennings, promising to give me well…baby soft feet, I was in. I took a quick glance at the company’s Instagram page and the images alone of people’s feet shedding like snakes was all I needed to confirm my desire to try it.
I can’t believe I am sharing an up close picture of my dry and cracked heels but what kind of a blogger would I be if I didn’t give you a good before and after photo for a product review?
Before…yikes. And yes, I realize there is something stuck to my foot. Thats how dry they were!
I ordered it on Amazon and two days later on a Monday night, I had plastic bags filled with goo wrapped around my ankles. You have to leave them on for an hour and fortunately for me, The Bachelor was on so I had some QUALITY entertainment to keep me occupied while I waited for the magic to happen.
It was an easy product to apply and there was a slight tingly sensation while wearing the booties. After the hour was up, I took them off and rinsed off the product in the shower. My feet already felt softer even though there wasn’t any actual shedding happening at that point. The box said it would take 5-7 days for your feet to start peeling so when day 5 rolled around and I still wasn’t seeing any signs of peeling, I was disappointed.
day 5
BUT! On day 7, there were some changes! I was able to scrub off quite a bit of skin in the shower by rubbing my feet, but I never had anything close to the extreme photos of shedding that I saw. My most problematic area were my heels and they still looked a little dry, but FELT much softer. Once I applied lotion to them, they really did look and feel super smooth so I would certainly suggest using a good moisturizer on them for optimal results.
Day 7 with lotion
Day 7- I look like a new lady with my smooth feet!
I am now 10 days into the peeling process and they say to give it a full 2 weeks so hopefully these next few days will continue to show more changes in my feet.
Overall, I do think this is a good product that does what it says it will even though the peeling process may look different for each person. Some people told me they couldn’t even wear sandals for a week or so because their feet shed so badly, but I didn’t have that experience. I would certainly repurchase and you can use the treatment every 2 months. Don’t use if you are pregnant or nursing and you can order this product here!
Let me know if you have tried this (or are going to try it!) and what your thoughts are!
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